Published May 10, 2023 | Version v1

Functional regeneration of the murine neuromuscular synapse relies on long‑lasting morphological adaptations


Background: In a broad variety of species, muscle contraction is controlled at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the peripheral synapse composed of a motor nerve terminal, a muscle specialization, and non-myelinating terminal Schwann cells. While peripheral nerve damage leads to successful NMJ reinnervation in animal models, muscle fber reinnervation in human patients is largely inefcient. Interestingly, some hallmarks of NMJ denervation and early reinnervation in murine species, such as fragmentation and poly-innervation, are also phenotypes of aged NMJs or even of unaltered conditions in other species, including humans. We have reasoned that rather than features of NMJ decline, such cellular responses could represent synaptic adaptations to accomplish proper functional recovery. Here, we have experimentally tackled this idea through a detailed comparative study of the short- and long-term conse‑ quences of irreversible (chronic) and reversible (partial) NMJ denervation in the convenient cranial levator auris longus muscle. Results: Our fndings reveal that irreversible muscle denervation results in highly fragmented postsynaptic domains and marked ectopic acetylcholine receptor clustering along with signifcant terminal Schwann cells sprouting and progressive detachment from the NMJ. Remarkably, even though reversible nerve damage led to complete rein‑ nervation after 11days, we found that more than 30% of NMJs are poly-innervated and around 65% of postsynaptic domains are fragmented even 3 months after injury, whereas synaptic transmission is fully recovered two months after nerve injury. While postsynaptic stability was irreversibly decreased after chronic denervation, this parameter was only transiently afected by partial NMJ denervation. In addition, we found that a combination of morphometric analyses and postsynaptic stability determinations allows discriminating two distinct forms of NMJ fragmentation, stable-smooth and unstable-blurred, which correlate with their regeneration potential. Conclusions: Together, our data unveil that reversible nerve damage imprints a long-lasting reminiscence in the NMJ that results in the rearrangement of its cellular components. Instead of being predictive of NMJ decline, these traits may represent an efcient adaptive response for proper functional recovery. As such, these features are rel‑ evant targets to be considered in strategies aimed to restore motor function in detrimental conditions for peripheral innervation.

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May 11, 2023
November 28, 2023