Published 2020 | Version v1

A phase field approach for damage propagation in periodic microstructured materials


In the present work, the evolution of damage in periodic composite materials is investigated through a novel finite element-based multiscale computational approach. The proposed methodology is developed by means of the original combination of asymptotic homogenization with the phase field approach to nonlocal damage. This last is applied at the macroscale level on the equivalent homogeneous continuum, whose constitutive properties are obtained in closed form via a two-scale asymptotic homogenization scheme. The formulation considers different assumptions on the evolution of damage at the microscale (e.g., damage in the matrix and not in the inclusion/fiber), as well as the role played by the microstructural reinforcement, i.e. its volumetric content and shape. Numerical results show that the proposed formulation leads to an apparent tensile strength and a post-peak branch of unnotched and notched specimens dependent not only on the internal length scale of the phase field approach, as for homogeneous materials, but also on microstructural features. Down-scaling relations provide the full reconstruction of the microscopic fields at any point of the macroscopic model, as a simple post-processing operation.

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April 14, 2023
November 28, 2023