Preliminary thermal-fluid-dynamic assessment of an ADS irradiation facility for fast and slow neutrons
Aim of this work is the preliminary thermal-fluid-dynamic assessment of a subcritical system to perform integral measurements on transmutation processes, designed in the frame of EU CHANDA project: in particular, a low power Accelerator Driven System (ADS) may represent an attractive intermediate step to fill the gap between existing and future facilities like MYRRHA (or possibly EFIT). The activity finds its place within the roadmap for the evaluation of transmutation processes in ADSs, where currently measurements are performed on the zero-power ADS Guinevère at SCK•CEN (Mol, Belgium), while in the future it is expected that MYRRHA will be the major high-power facility for performing this kind of studies and assessing the performance of a fast ADS. The neutronic characterization and burn-up simulations based on Monte Carlo codes of the reactor core allowed the definition of the geometry and the composition of the fuel assembly and, therefore, the thermal power to be removed. On this basis a thermo-fluid-dynamic assessment, through simple analytical accounts and detailed 3D CFD calculations by ANSYS FLUENT v17.0 and OpenFOAM-v1612+, was made.
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