Published July 24, 2020 | Version v1

Distribution coefficients water sediment for uranium and polonium in the Moulouya River (eastern Morocco), a river affected by abandoned mines of lead and zinc


The Upper Moulouya Lead district is a region of Morocco affected by the presence of mining deposits, pit lakes and other mining wastes, due to the former mining activities developed in the 20th century. The Middle Moulouya is a region not affected by human activities and is studied for a better comprehension of results obtained in the Upper Moulouya region. Activity concentration of U-isotopes and 210Po in water and sediments was determined in samples collected from the Moulouya River (Eastern Morocco) and two tributaries. These results were used for the evaluation of distribution coefficient in the river. Some pit lakes resulting of former mining activities were also sampled and distribution coefficients were calculated for the mentioned radioisotopes. Sampling was made twice in different years. In the second sampling campaign a longer river area was studied.

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March 27, 2023
December 1, 2023