Published 1998 | Version v1
Journal article

Source study and tectonic implications of the 1995 Ventimiglia (border of Italy and France) earthquake (Ml=4.7)


We analyse the source process and the aftershock distribution of the April 21, 1995, Ventimiglia, ML=4.7 earthquake using the records of permanent high dynamic broad-band seismic stations and a temporary network deployed on land and at sea few hours after the earthquake. This event occurred on the western Mediterranean coast, near the border between Italy and France, at a depth of 9 km, at a point where Alpine tectonic units and Late Oligocene extensional structure overlap and are currently undergoing compressional stress. The focal solutions of the mainshock and three aftershocks depict a dominant reverse faulting with an important strike-slip component, which underlines two nodal planes: a NW–SE-dipping north fault and a NE–SW-dipping south fault. We operate a careful re-location of the aftershocks using a master-event technique and data from the temporal network and obtain a predominant NW–SE alignment. Then, we analyse the rupture process using an empirical Green function approach. We find that the mainshock broke a 0.5 to 1 km fault length and that the rupture propagated during 0.1–0.2 s probably in a SE direction. Those two arguments, together with the recent fault trace that exists close to the epicentre, leads us to propose that this event expresses the reactivation of an old transverse NW–SE structure with a dextral movement. This study thus emphasizes the role of inherited, deep-rooted, transcurrent features in the tectonic reactivation of this passive margin. It also underlines the importance of combining short-period and broad-band seismology to better resolve and understand regional tectonic processes in areas of moderate seismic activity and complex geology.


International audience

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December 3, 2022
November 29, 2023