Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes: A Survey
Nowadays, process mining is becoming a growing area of interest in business process management (BPM). Process mining consists in the extraction of information from the event logs of a business process. From this information, we can discover process models, monitor and improve our processes. One of the applications of process mining, is the predictive monitoring of business process. The aim of these techniques is the prediction of quantifiable metrics of a running process instance with the generation of predictive models. The most representative approaches for the runtime prediction of business process are summarized in this paper. The different types of computational predictive methods, such as statistical techniques or machine learning approaches, and certain aspects as the type of predicted values and quality evaluation metrics, have been considered for the categorization of these methods. This paper also includes a summary of the basic concepts, as well as a global overview of the process predictive monitoring area, that can be used to support future efforts of researchers and practitioners in this research field.
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BELI (TIN2015-70560-R)
Junta de Andalucia COPAS (P12–TIC-1867))
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