Published October 25, 2016 | Version v1

Hyperfine fields and magnetoelastic surface effects in Fe72Cu1.5Nb4Si13.5B9 nanocrystalline alloy


In this work hyperfine fields of two-phase nanocrystalline Fe72Cu1.5Nb4Si13.5B9 alloys were studied in order to verify the existence of surface effects. To obtain a series of nanocrystalline samples with small grains of different sizes, a special non- -isothermal annealing procedure of an initially amorphous ribbon was applied. In the case of samples with a significant amount of crystallites, a high field (about 27.5 T) component of continuous part of the hyperfine field distribution was found that could be attributed to boundary regions between the grains and rest of the sample. The existence of the surface effects was confirmed in the magnetostrictive experiment

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March 27, 2023
November 29, 2023