Published April 4, 2016 | Version v1

La interoperabilidad del modelo virtual de información


For a decade we have experienced with Graphisoft software generated virtual models of information, usually spread by the term BIM and its use in teaching as a strategy for surveying and mapping, establishing the fact edificatory perceptively to the best knowledge the student, but also, and most notably, the model is ready to be explored by other collaborative disciplines following preset protocols for efficient transmission of information. Clearly, the work in any field is multidisciplinary, but you have to promote and strengthen interdisciplinarity is today, and now more than ever it is necessary for a tool to that workflow. The use of BIM applications, makes collaboration a necessity to be present at all stages in which the project is: study and previous analyzes in the next phase of design process, the subsequent implementation phase and, of course, in building maintenance. With proper tools in the design process to allow full transparency of the knowledge of each party involved, to which we add the transfer of the same, we will extend our view to a new interdisciplinary space. Therefore, for attaining an efficient interoperability must maintain a flow of information without slips.

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December 4, 2022
November 28, 2023