Published February 5, 2021 | Version v1

Correlaciones de biomarcadores del primer trimestre con el peso fetal y con el peso materno en embarazadas con diabetes gestacional.


Given the obstetric and metabolic importance of Gestational Diabetes, we wanted to study the correlations ofthe first trimester biomarkers with the weight ofthe fetus at 20 weeks and with that of the mother at 28 weeks of gestation for pregnant women with and without gestational diabetes in a research carried out in primary care. This is an observational study of cases and controls. The quantitative variables analyzed were: PAPPA (Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A) (mU / ml), Betahydroxychorionic (ngrs / ml), TSH (µUI / ml) and free T4 (ngrs / dl) at 12 weeks, fetal weight at 20 weeks and maternal weight in kilograms at 28 weeks. As a descriptive balancing variable, we have used the age of the pregnant woman in years. Six health centers of the Primary Healthcare District of Seville (Spain) have been sampled. We applied simple linear regression using the least squares method and the smoothing technique called LOESS (Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing). A finding was highlighted above all the others, the inverse correlations and the least squares lines of the PAPP-A and TSH variables at 12 weeks of gestation, and the correlations between fetal weight at 20 weeks with Betahydroxychorionic and with PAPPA. The most important is the first because of the change and the magnitude of Pearson's R2 (+0.10) in pregnant women with gestational diabetes. We have found a noticeable change in the correlation of PAPPA with TSH in pregnant women with Gestational Diabetes. The upper confidence interval of the Pearson correlation coefficient reaches +0. 3 . A possible pathophysiological explanation for this correlation found in our work could be the action ofTSH on insulin-like growth factors in human osteoblastic cells.

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March 25, 2023
November 28, 2023