Published July 21, 2020 | Version v1

Spectral and variational analysis of generalized cylindrical and elliptical strip and microstrip lines


The variational technique in the spectral domain (VTSD) is shown to be an efficient method for computing the quasi-TEM parameters of arbitrary multiconductor and multidielectric cylindrical or elliptical strip configurations. Simple conformal mappings reduce the cylindrical or elliptical geometries to an equivalent rectangular one with periodic boundary conditions. The analysis of this equivalent structure is achieved by taking advantage of previous work on boxed planar structures. The numerical convergence of the programs is greatly accelerated, incorporating the asymptotic behavior of the series appearing in the analysis in such a way that efficient programs have been written. It is pointed out that excessively simple approximations to the surface charge distribution yield meaningful numerical errors, mainly when strong coupling or wide strips are involved. As an application example, the behavior of the characteristic parameters of asymmetric coupled structures on multilayer substrates is shown.

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March 27, 2023
November 29, 2023