ELM divertor peak energy fluence scaling to ITER with data from JET, MAST and ASDEX upgrade
A newly established scaling of the ELM energy fluence using dedicated data sets from JET operation with CFC & ILW plasma facing components (PFCs), ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) operation with both CFC and full-W PFCs and MAST with CFC walls has been generated. The scaling reveals an approximately linear depen- dence of the peak ELM energy with the pedestal top electron pressure and with the minor radius; a square root dependence is seen on the relative ELM loss energy. The result of this scaling gives a range in parallel peak ELM energy fluence of 10–30 MJm −2 for ITER Q = 10 operation and 2.5–7.5 MJm −2 for in- termediate ITER operation at 7.5 MA and 2.65 T. These latter numbers are calculated using a numerical regression ( ε II = 0 . 28 MJ m 2 n 0 . 75 e T 1 e E 0 . 5 ELM R 1 geo ). A simple model for ELM induced thermal load is introduced, resulting in an expression for the ELM energy fluence of ε II ∼= 6 πp e R geo q edge . The relative ELM loss energy in the data is between 2–10% and the ELM energy fluence varies within a range of 10 0.5 ∼3 con- sistently for each individual device. The so far analysed power load database for ELM mitigation experi- ments from JET-EFCC and Kicks, MAST-RMP and AUG-RMP operation are found to be consistent with both the scaling and the introduced model, ie not showing a further reduction with respect to their pedestal pressure. The extrapolated ELM energy fluencies are compared to material limits in ITER and found to be of concern.
RCUK Energy Programme P012450/1
EURATOM 633053
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- https://idus.us.es/handle//11441/100017
- urn:oai:idus.us.es:11441/100017
- Origin repository