Published May 2, 2019 | Version v1

A preliminary palynological characterization of Spanish thyme honeys


Pollen was analysed in 25 thyme honey samples from Spain. The honey samples were provided by professional beekeepers, and pollen was obtained by centrifugation. A minimum of 8% of Thymus sp. pollen is considered sufficient to typify a honey as unifloral when considering pollen grains from anemophilous and nectarless plants. The quantitative analysis showed that nectar is the main honey source in the samples studied. The qualitative analysis of the samples revealed the presence of 53 taxa belonging to 27 families. The Spanish thyme honeys of the studied region are characterized by their medium to high numbers of grains of pollen (NGP; mean = 155 000) and their medium to high content of honeydew indicator elements (HDE; mean = 8300). Genista type (present in 100% of the samples), Echium plantagineum and Reseda luteola (90%), Eucalyptus type (80%), Calendula type and Olea europaea (75%), and Cistus monspeliensis (70%) may be mentioned among the characteristic accompanying species of this honey type.

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December 5, 2022
November 28, 2023