Published November 30, 2020 | Version v1

Levantamiento de un edificio mediante la aplicación del problema de la galeria de arte


Currently, the graphical representation of our surroundings has got a great importance. In a few years there has been a breakthrough in the technology for image acquisition. In the same way that progress has been made in this regard, an investigation has been started in order to propose improvements in the procedures used by industry professionals topographical through the application of some optimization techniques based on mathematical techniques (Lighting System Problems) in order to find what is the minimum number of points of view from which a person will be able to obtain a complete sight of a building from the outside of it. This would avoid to waste time in unnecessary views of the survey, to increase the efficiency of the work and avoid wasting time. Once a methodology has been designed to minimize the number of positions, it has been put into action in a real building

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December 4, 2022
December 1, 2023