Published November 12, 2015 | Version v1

Magnetocaloric effect of Co62Nb6Zr2B30 amorphous alloys obtained by mechanical alloying or rapid quenching


Amorphous samples of nominal composition Co62Nb6Zr2B30 have been prepared using mechanical alloying (MA) and rapid quenching (RQ) techniques. Differences appear in Curie temperature and the phases developed after crystallization. Refrigerant capacity is enhanced 20% in the MA-sample with respect to that of RQ-sample. Neglecting the demagnetizing factor of powder samples significantly affects the exponent n characterizing the field dependence of the maximum magnetic entropy change


Ministry of Science and Innovation and EU Feder MAT2010-20537, PAI of the Regional Government of Andalucia P10-FQM-6462, United States Office of Naval Research N00014-11-1-0311

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March 27, 2023
December 1, 2023