Published February 22, 2022 | Version v1

Destruction of the cosmic γ -ray emitter 26 Al in massive stars: Study of the key 26 Al ( n , α ) reaction


Neutron destruction reactions of the cosmic γ -ray emitter 26Al are of importance to determine the amount of 26Al ejected into our galaxy by supernova explosions and for 26Al production in asymptotic giant branch stars. We performed a new measurement of the 26Al(n, α) reaction up to 160-keV neutron energy at the neutron time-of-flight facilities n_TOF at CERN and GELINA at EC-JRC. We provide strengths for ten resonances, six of them for the first time. We use our data to calculate astrophysical reactivities for stellar temperatures up to 0.7 GK. Our results resolve a discrepancy between the two previous direct measurements of this reaction, and indicate higher stellar destruction rates than the most recently recommended reactivity.


Austrian Science Fund (FWF). J3503


The U.K. Science and Technologies Facilities Council (STFC) ST/L005824/1 y No. ST/M006085/1


The European Research Council ERC-2015-STG. 677497


European Cooperation in Science and Technology (Cost Action), programa Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos(ChETEC) CA16117

Additional details

March 25, 2023
December 1, 2023