Published 2019 | Version v1

Geology of the southern Monviso metaophiolite complex (W-Alps, Italy)


The Monviso metaophiolite complex (W. Alps) is an almost intact fragment of Tethyan oceanic lithosphere metamorphosed to eclogite-facies peak metamorphic conditions during Alpine subduction. This 1:20.000 scale geological map encompasses, in an area of ∼35 km2, the Monviso Unit (MU) and the Lago Superiore Unit (LSU). Major focus was given to the Lower Shear Zone sub-unit (LSZ), where in the strongly deformed serpentinite-rich matrix are embedded blocks of variably brecciated metagabbros. Here, the occurrence of eclogite-facies mylonitic foliation (paragenesis: omphacite+rutile+garnet±ex-lawsonite±quartz) cut by breccia planes (cemented by omphacite+garnet±ex-lawsonite) indicates brecciation at pristine eclogitic conditions. This map (i) provides new lithological, structural and morphological insights regarding the stratigraphy of the Monviso metaophiolite complex and (ii) supplies an unprecedented detail on the distribution of eclogite-facies breccia blocks inside the Lower Shear Zone that crosscuts the Lago Superiore Unit.

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April 14, 2023
December 1, 2023