Published May 21, 2020 | Version v1

On memfractance of plants and fungi


The key feature of a memristor is that the resistance is a function of its previous resistance, thereby the behaviour of thedevice is influenced by changing the way in which potential is applied across it. Ultimately, information can be encodedon memristors, which can then be used to implement a number of circuit topologies.Biological substrates have alreadybeen shown to exhibit some memristive properties.It is, therefore, logical that all biological media will follow this trendto some degree. In this paper we demonstrate that a range of yet untested specimens exhibit memristive properties,including mediums such as water and dampened wood shavings on which we can cultivate biological specimens. Wepropose that memristance is not a binary property f0; 1g, but rather a continuum on the scale [0,1]. The results implythat there is great potential for hybrid electronic systems that combine traditional electronic typologies with naturallyoccurring specimens.

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December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023