Published 2004 | Version v1
Journal article

A Dynamical Systems Perspective on Goal Involvement States in Sport


Based on the dynamical systems perspective, the present study aimed to ex-plore how states of involvement toward mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals (Elliot & Church, 1997) flow, are interrelated, and are activated during a practice judo combat. Using a retrospective video recall method, two male national level judo competitors expressed on a com-puter their moment-to-moment level of involvement toward each goal. Self-confrontation interviews also based on the video were immediately conducted. Analyses of variance revealed differences in levels of each goal between peri-ods of the combat. Windowed cross-correlation analyses showed that the pat-terns of relationships between the time series of the different goals considered two-by-two included either high positive, high negative, or zero correlations, depending on the moment. Qualitative data analyses supported these findings and suggested that goal involvement states emerged and fluctuated according to the ecological constraints of the situation, such as the initial contextual conditions and the course of action.


International audience

Additional details

December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023