Published November 14, 2018 | Version v1

The accounting control of the budgetary allocation units in the European countries of continental approach


The diverse European public accounting plans that follow a continental approach, applicable to central or territorial Administration, as instruments based on the double-entry system which provide information to different users, lack the adequate structure to carry out all the demanded requirements, within this area, to all external accounting model, for adequate and reasonable decision making. This inadequacy is evident analyzing the budgetary states, since from its examination we can observe how they don't allow to carry out the adequate control and monitoring of a fundamental budgetary figure, within the public sector, this is, the allocation unit of credits or expense project delimited to the effects of the attainment of the pre- established objectives, having or not having resources applied to its financing. This piece of work offers, as a main objective, an adequate solution to this informative weakness, establishing as its fundamental contribution the approach of an accounting model which provides the user not only the budgetary statements which emanate from the respective public accounting plan, but also the corresponding informative differential carried out on those other statements necessary for the correct control and monitoring of the expenses included in each individualized expense project as well as the income associated with its financing.


Los planes de contabilidad pública europeos, centrales o territoriales, de tendencia continental, carecen de la estructura adecuada para poder cumplir con los requisitos que se exigen a todo modelo informativo contable público, de cara a una adecuada toma de decisiones por parte de los distintos usuarios. Esta insuficiencia se pone de manifiesto al analizar los estados presupuestarios que éstos ponen a su disposición, ya que de su estudio se observa cómo los mismos no permiten efectuar el adecuado control y seguimiento de una figura presupuestaria fundamental dentro del sector público, ésta es, la unidad de imputación de créditos presupuestarios o proyecto de gasto, tenga o no recursos aplicados a su financiación. Con el objetivo esencial de ofrecer una respuesta adecuada a esta debilidad informativa surge este trabajo, constituyendo su aportación fundamental el planteamiento de un modelo contable que suministre al usuario aquellos estados presupuestarios necesarios para el correcto control de los gastos incluidos en cada proyecto, así como de los ingresos asociados a su financiación.

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March 27, 2023
November 29, 2023