Published 2021 | Version v1

Effect of the sintering pressure on structure and microstructure of the filled skutterudite Sm (Fe Ni1-)4Sb12 (x = 0.50–0.80, y = 0.17–0.55)


A structural and microstructural study was performed on several compositions of the Smy(FexNi1-x)4Sb12 system treated at three different pressures during the spark plasma sintering (SPS) process. Aim of the study is to recognize the effect of applied pressure at a fixed temperature on composition, microstrain and domains size, due to the relevance of these parameters in driving the thermoelectric properties of the material. Increasing pressure induces a change in the Sm amount, as well as an increase in microstrain and a decrease in the diffraction domains size. At the same time, enhancing pressure above a certain threshold promotes the formation of the extra phase (Sm,Fe,Ni)Sb2, and hence a large power factor reduction. Relying on data collected in this work, applying a pressure close to 180 MPa during SPS results to be a good compromise between advantages in terms of microstructure and transport properties, and disadvantages in terms of phase purity.

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April 14, 2023
November 29, 2023