Published 2015 | Version v1

CO2photoconversion to fuels under high pressure: effect of TiO2phase and of unconventional reaction conditions


Artificial photosynthesis is an up to date topic for the fixation of CO2in form of valuable fuels. Recently, we set up an innovative concept of photoreactor to be applied to CO2photoreduction, enabling operation up to 20 bar. This allows to improve CO2solubility and to explore unconventional operating conditions for this very challenging reaction. Following a preliminary communication, to demonstrate the validity of the approach systematic testing has been here carried out on different TiO2photocatalysts (anatase, rutile and anatase + rutile) doped with 0.1 wt% Au, by tuning pressure, temperature and pH. The operating conditions have been selected to maximise the production of gas phase products,i.e. CH4+H2, with respect to liquid phase organic compounds. The present results overperform many of the recent achievements reported in the literature and throw the basis for a further optimisation of the photocatalytic material and of the photoreactor.

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March 27, 2023
November 30, 2023