Published March 16, 2015 | Version v1

A real application on non-technical losses detection: the MIDAS Project


The MIDAS project began at 2006 as collaboration between Endesa, Sadiel and the University of Seville. The objective of the MIDAS project is the detection of Non-Technical Losses (NTLs) on power utilities. The NTLs represent the non-billed energy due to faults or illegal manipulations in clients' facilities. Initially, research lines study the application of techniques of data mining and neural networks. After several researches, the studies are expanded to other research fields: expert systems, text mining, statistical techniques, pattern recognition, etc. These techniques have provided an automated system for detection of NTLs on company databases. This system is in test phase and it is applied in real cases in company databases.

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December 4, 2022
November 30, 2023