Published February 24, 2015 | Version v1

Intelligent information processing in a digital library using semantic web


With the explosive growth of information, it is becoming increasingly difficult to retrieve the relevant documents with current search engine only. The information is treated as an ordinary database that manages the contents and positions. To the individual user, there is a great deal of useless information in addition to the substantial amount of useful information. This begets new challenges to docent community and motivates researchers to look for intelligent information retrieval approach and ontologies that search and/or filter information automatically based on some higher level of understanding are required. We study improving the efficiency of search methods and classify the search patrons into several models based on the profiles of agent based on ontology. We have proposed a method to efficiently search for the target information on a Digital Library network with multiple independent information sources. This paper outlines the development of an expert prototype system based in an ontology for retrieval information of the Digital Library University of Seville. The results of this study demonstrate that by improving representation by incorporating more metadata from within the information and the ontology into the retrieval process, the effectiveness of the information retrieval is enhanced. We used Jcolibri and Prótége for developing the ontology and creation the expert system respectively.

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December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023