Published October 23, 2024 | Version v1

Design and development of a sensorised sports waistcoat


In the field of sports, the monitoring of physiological parameters is essential to assess the physical performance of athletes and to detect possible health-related pathologies. With this information, it is possible to obtain data about the state of the body and the needs it requires. In 2022, according to data collected by the Statistics and Studies Division of the General Technical Secre-tariat of the Ministry of Culture and Sport together with the Higher Sports Council, sports practice in Spain has increased by almost 4% compared to 2015, with 57.3% of the Spanish population now having practised sport in the last year, either periodically or occasionally. While there are expensive solutions available for professional athletes, the cheap equivalent for amateur athletes is not available. This project involves the design and implementation of a weara-ble device attached to a T-shirt and composed of a low-cost microcontroller and various physiological sensors, whose information is transmitted to a mobile ap-plication to be monitored in real time and analysed, either by the user or by spe-cialists, in order to establish improvement parameters for future training, as well as to detect anomalies that require the intervention of specialists.


Part of the book series: Springer Proceedings in Materials ((SPM,volume 50)) Included in the following conference series: X Workshop in R&D+i & International Workshop on STEM of EPS

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October 24, 2024
October 24, 2024