Published April 14, 2015 | Version v1

Numerical Modelling of Molding Compression Of Fibre-Reinforced Composites for Industrial applications


A transverse isotropic viscous model accounting for the anisotropy exhibited in fiber-reinforced composites is integrated in the numerical platform of the software Rem3D®. Simulations under various mechanical loadings are tested for volume fiber concentrations of 3.5% and 14.7%. Equivalent stresses and equivalent strain rate deformations given by the software were compared to the ones coming from experimental data, finding very good agreements. As a second point developed on this paper, we comment on the slip condition between Die/Punch tool with the composite under compression. We noticed that the variation of the viscosity value on a small layer between the Die/Punch tool and the composite affects the nature of the contact. A viscous friction is then formulated as a technique to set slip/noslip contact conditions. We found that the slip condition is recovered at lower values of the viscosity in the interface Die/Punch with the reinforced composite, whereas the no slip condition stated for higher viscosity values.


International audience

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February 28, 2023
November 30, 2023