Published May 2007 | Version v1
Journal article

W-Band Fresnel zone plate reflector for helicopter collision avoidance radar


A high gain Fresnel zone plate reflector is presented for helicopter collision avoidance radar at 94 GHz. The antenna system consists of a compact, airtightness and low return loss primary source illuminating a printed reflector with Fresnel plate zone phase correction. In order to increase the overall efficiency, the reflector combines 8 correcting zones in its center and 4 on the border. Reflected phase of over 360deg is achieved by means of circular ring or combined circular and ring patches. The reflector is fabricated using standard photolithographic techniques. The primary source consists of a small FSS made by a double slot array antenna pasted on the aperture of a standard WR-10 waveguide. Antenna measurements were conducted using a compact base arrangement. The antenna performs 37.8 dBi at the center frequency of 94 GHz with a maximum value of the return loss value not exceeding -25 dB. The frequency bandwidth at -3 dB in gain and return loss is of 9%


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December 3, 2022
November 30, 2023