Published February 13, 2023 | Version v1

Toward Prediction of Financial Crashes with a D-Wave Quantum Annealer


Prediction of financial crashes in a complex financial network is known to be an NP-hard problem, which means that no known algorithm can guarantee to find optimal solutions efficiently. We experimentally explore a novel approach to this problem by using a D-Wave quantum computer, benchmarking its performance for attaining financial equilibrium. To be specific, the equilibrium condition of a nonlinear financial model is embedded into a higher-order unconstrained binary optimization (HUBO) problem, which is then transformed to a spin-1/2 Hamiltonian with at most two-qubit interactions. The problem is thus equivalent to finding the ground state of an interacting spin Hamiltonian, which can be approximated with a quantum annealer. The size of the simulation is mainly constrained by the necessity of a large quantity of physical qubits representing a logical qubit with the correct connectivity. Our experiment paves the way to codify this quantitative macroeconomics problem in quantum computers.


Quantum Microwave Communication and Sensing (QMiCS) de EU Flagship on Quantum Technologies-QMiCS 820505


An Open Superconducting Quantum Computer de EU Flagship on Quantum Technologies-OpenSuperQ 820363


EU FET Open-Quromorphic 828826


Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de España-Ramon y Cajal RYC-2017-22482


Gobierno Vasco-IT986-16


Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission de China-18010500400 y 18ZR1415500


U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advance Scientific Computing Research (ASCR)-ERKJ335

Additional details

March 1, 2023
December 1, 2023