Published 2015 | Version v1
Journal article

Green-Kubo formula for weakly coupled system with dynamical noise.


We consider an infinite system of cells coupled into a chain by a smooth nearest neighbor potential $\ve V$. The uncoupled system (cells) evolve according to Hamiltonian dynamics perturbed stochastically with an energy conserving noise of strenght $\noise$. We study the Green-Kubo (GK) formula $\kappa(\ve,\noise)$ for the heat conductivity of this system which exists and is finite for $\noise >0$, by formally expanding $\kappa(\ve,\noise)$ in a power series in $\ve$, $\kappa(\ve,\noise) = \sum_{n\ge 2} \ve^n \kappa_n(\noise)$. We show that $\kappa_2(\noise)$ is the same as the conductivity obtained in the weak coupling (van Hove) limit where time is rescaled as $\ve^{-2}t$. $\kappa_2(\noise)$ is conjectured to approach as $\noise \to 0$ a value proportional to that obtained for the weak coupling limit of the purely Hamiltonian chain. We also show that the $\kappa_2(\noise)$ from the GK formula, is the same as the one obtained from the flux of an open system in contact with Langevin reservoirs. Finally we show that the limit $\noise\to 0$ of $\kappa_2(\noise)$ is finite for the pinned anharmonic oscillators due to phase mixing caused by the non-resonating frequencies of the neighboring cells. This limit is bounded for coupled rotors and vanishes for harmonic chain with random pinning.


International audience

Additional details

October 11, 2023
November 29, 2023