Published July 9, 2018 | Version v1

Applying case based reasoning for prioritizing areas of business management


Determining the importance of different management areas in a company provides guidance about the needs of increasing the analysis and actions focuses in particular topic. To do it, it is necessary to decompose the management in a coherent set of specific management areas and provide a way that allows the company to determine the importance of these areas for them. This paper presents a novel system that guides companies to obtain a classification of important management areas for them. It is focused on the use of a case based reasoning system because the variability and the evolution of companies as time passes requires using techniques with learning capabilities. The proposed system provides an automatic self-assessment system that provides companies an ordered list of their most important management areas. This system was implemented a year ago for the evaluation of Spanish companies. Currently, it is in production providing relevant information about the management areas of these companies.

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December 5, 2022
November 29, 2023