Published September 22, 2016 | Version v1

Diofanto, Hilbert y Robinson: ¿Alguna relación entre ellos?


At present, there are many mathematicians whose contributions have not been conveniently appreciated throughout the history. It is the case of many mathematician women, who have developed important tasks but they have not been sufficiently recognized and, moreover, have had to overcome lots of difficulties to face up her work. In this paper the importance of one of them is remarked: Julia Bowman Robinson, whose main contribution consists in having participated in the Hilbert's Tenth Problem solution.


A lo largo de la Historia son bastantes los matemáticos a los que no se les ha valorado su contribución. Éste es el caso de muchas mujeres matemáticas, que han realizado importantes trabajos pero cuyo reconocimiento no ha sido el suficiente y han tenido que afrontar muchas dificultades para desarrollar su labor. En este artículo se resalta la importancia de una de ellas: Julia Bowman Robinson, cuya mayor aportación se centra en la resolución del décimo problema de Hilbert.

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December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023