Published 2010 | Version v1

Single-step bifunctional coating for selectively conjugable nanoparticles


A single-step method to coat and bifunctionalize water-reduced gold nanoparticles (NPs) with two distinct reactive groups is reported. The coating is based on a peptide that bonds to the NPs surface by its N-cysteine amino acid, terminates with a C-terminal lysine, and stabilizes the colloids, thanks to the surface organization provided by the rest of the non-polar chain. The process yields stable, noncytotoxic NPs presenting reactive amine and carboxylic groups on the surface; these allow rapid, selective and modular conjugation of virtually any chosen biomolecule or fluorophore. Functionalized and conjugated nanostructures are analyzed by electrophoresis, SEM, SERS; their biocompatibility and delivery capability are tested by cellular-uptake experiments.

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May 12, 2023
November 29, 2023