Published April 24, 2017 | Version v1

Opportunities in the process of becoming an entrepreneur


The role of opportunities in becoming an entrepreneur is undeniable. Gaglio and Katz (2001) argue that understanding the opportunity identification is one of the core intellectual challenges for the entrepreneurship. However, despite an extensive research on opportunity, the question what opportunities are and how to identify, develop and exploit them has no explicit answer. On the contrary, there are diverse concepts gathered around opportunities. Some authors argue that opportunities 'exist out there' in the form of unmet needs, unsolved problems, or inefficient processes and it is the job of the entrepreneur to uncover these opportunities (Aldrich and Cliff, 2003; Kim, Aldrich and Keister, 2003; Shane, 2003). Other approach posits that opportunities are a product of one's mind (Shane and Venkataraman 2000; Ardichvili et al.2003; Gartner et al. 2003), thus, the opportunity does not exist prior to the point in time in which they apply their individual creativity and take individual action. To follow complex and diverse opportunity process descriptive character of opportunities identification might be already moved towards questioning their dynamics and contingency (Gaglio 2004). However, the study of process perspective is hard to proceed in context of opportunities. One of the solutions to reconstruct opportunity process is to apply backward viewpoint at opportunities. As Dimov (2011) suggests the examination of individuals who talk about their past ventures allows applying retrospective perspective that seems to be particularly valid in researching opportunity concept. Retrospective enables to uncover complex histories behind individuals and their ways of putting ideas into life. Consequently, the aim of our research is to better understand how entrepreneurs experience opportunity process by studying their different venture creation processes. We aspire to follow how opportunities evolve in the process of becoming entrepreneur, recognize different phases of that process and uncover the relations between those phases. First, we identify three different approaches to the opportunity and opportunity process drawn from previous research. Then, by adopting multiple longitudinal case study approach and documentary videography as a method, we try to catch retrospective perspective to opportunity process. We take four diverse videos obtained by using editing method and investigate how entrepreneurs understand what opportunities are in their processes of becoming entrepreneurs and how they have proceeded in their opportunity process. We follow their "specific paths in terms of a sequence of events or concrete experiences" (Dimov 2011). Finally, by implementing pattern matching logic we compare their opportunity processes to the different approaches provided by us.

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March 27, 2023
November 28, 2023