Published June 2008 | Version v1
Conference paper

MATISSE, perspective of imaging in the mid-infrared at the VLTI


MATISSE is foreseen as a mid-infrared spectro-interferometer combining the beams of up to four UTs/ATs of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) of the European Southern Observatory. The related science case study demonstrates the enormous capability of a new generation mid-infrared beam combiner. MATISSE will constitute an evolution of the two-beam interferometric instrument MIDI. MIDI is a very successful instrument which offers a perfect combination of spectral and angular resolution. New characteristics present in MATISSE will give access to the mapping and the distribution of the material (typically dust) in the circumstellar environments by using a wide mid-infrared band coverage extended to L, M and N spectral bands. The four beam combination of MATISSE provides an efficient UV-coverage : 6 visibility points are measured in one set and 4 closure phase relations which can provide aperture synthesis images in the mid-infrared spectral regime.


International audience

Additional details

February 22, 2023
November 30, 2023