Published 2014 | Version v1
Journal article

Estimator selection in the Gaussian setting


We consider the problem of estimating the mean $f$ of a Gaussian vector $Y$ with independent components of common unknown variance $\sigma^{2}$. Our estimation procedure is based on estimator selection. More precisely, we start with an arbitrary and possibly infinite collection $\FF$ of estimators of $f$ based on $Y$ and, with the same data $Y$, aim at selecting an estimator among $\FF$ with the smallest Euclidean risk. No assumptions on the estimators are made and their dependencies with respect to $Y$ may be unknown. We establish a non-asymptotic risk bound for the selected estimator. As particular cases, our approach allows to handle the problems of aggregation and model selection as well as those of choosing a window and a kernel for estimating a regression function, or tuning the parameter involved in a penalized criterion. We also derive oracle-type inequalities when $\FF$ consists of linear estimators. For illustration, we carry out two simulation studies. One aims at comparing our procedure to cross-validation for choosing a tuning parameter. The other shows how to implement our approach to solve the problem of variable selection in practice.


44 pages


International audience

Additional details

December 3, 2022
November 29, 2023