Zno/ag3 po4 and zno–malachite as effective photocatalysts for the removal of enteropathogenic bacteria, dyestuffs, and heavy metals from municipal and industrial wastewater
Different composites based on ZnO/Ag3 PO4 and ZnO–malachite (Cu2 (OH)2 CO3 ) were synthesized in order to determine their effectiveness in the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewaters (mainly polluted by enteropathogenic bacteria, dyes, and heavy metals). The addition of Ag3 PO4 and malachite did not significantly modify the physicochemical properties of ZnO; however, the optical properties of this oxide were modified as a result of its coupling with the modifiers. The modification of ZnO led to an improvement in its effectiveness in the treatment of municipal and industrial wastewater. In general, the amount of malachite or silver phosphate and the effluent to be treated were the determining factors in the effectiveness of the wastewater treatment. The highest degree of elimination of bacteria from municipal wastewater and discoloration of textile staining wastewater were achieved by using ZnO/Ag3 PO4 (5%), but an increase in the phosphate content had a detrimental effect on the treatment. Likewise, the highest Fe and Cu photoreduction from coal mining wastewater was observed by using ZnO–malachite (2.5%) and ZnO/Ag3 PO4 (10%), respectively. Some of the results of this work were presented at the fourth Congreso Colombiano de Procesos Avanzados de Oxidación (4CCPAOx).
Gobernación de Boyacá 789-2020
Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Projects SGI 3007, 2644, 2804
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- https://idus.us.es/handle//11441/125624
- urn:oai:idus.us.es:11441/125624
- Origin repository