Published 1997 | Version v1

Effect of intermetallic compounds on the activation of aluminium anodes


The electrochemical characterization of aluminium nnodes containing different intermetallic compounds in 3% sodium chloride and 0.3% radium sulphate aqueous solutions was carried out by means of d.c. measurements. The case of some Ca-Zn. CL-In and Al-Mg-Zn inlermelallic compound!. in Ihe aluminium malrix was examined. SEM and EDAX analyses were used to examine the surface suucu~re of the anodic materials. The relationship between mwpholtrgical suware and electrochemical resulls was studied and panicular attenkn wa\ paid to the inlluencr of the intermetallic phases on the activalion of aluminium anode materials. Different heat tnxuments. perfornwd to ensure the dispersion of the tine intermekdlic phases. were adopted and the rewlls are brietly discussed.

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April 14, 2023
December 1, 2023