Published December 12, 2023 | Version v1

Experimental cartography generation methodology for Electromagnetic Fault Injection Attacks [póster]


The Electromagnetic Fault Injection (EMFI) is one of the methods to inject faults in the circuits with different purposes, from the security analysis point of view to the study of resilience against environmental conditions of the circuits. Focusing on secure cryptographic applications, in order to study the vulnerability of a circuit and perform successful attacks, it is necessary to induce the electromagnetic (EM) field in a very specific point in the surface of the circuit. This aspect, together with extra inconveniences as for example metal shields of the last metal layers of chips, results in a very poor effi ciency in the fault injection through this technique, hindering the possibilities to perform the attacks. This paper presents a experimental cartography generation methodology to carry out automatic EMFI attacks. The presented methodology allows to improve the efficiency in fault injection attacks, showing the areas where the circuit presents greater vulnerabilities against the EM disturbances, allowing to focus the attacks on those points. As demonstrator vehicle, a SRAM is used. Results show that following the steps of the proposed methodology, it is able to detect the point with the maximum fault injection efficiency, along with a great precision of the fault injection, reaching up to been able to inject one bit single fault in the SRAM.


Trabajo publicado en congreso y presentado como póster donde aparece en proceedings pero no en el repositorio del editor IEEE Xplore.

Additional details

December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023