Published December 14, 2014 | Version v1
Conference paper

Ancient agricultural landscapes in Southeast Arabia: Approach and first results of an archaeological, geo-archaeological, and spatial study of the Masāfī Palm Grove, Emirate of Fujairah


Located in the northern part of the Hajar mountains (UAE), the oasis of Masāfī benefits from abundant copper and water resources and a strategic location at the crossroad between the western piedmont and the shore of the Gulf of Oman. Our project aims at reconstructing the dynamics and evolution of this oasis. An interdisciplinary approach was adopted for this purpose, based on a combination of archaeological, geoarchaeological, geomorphic, spatial, and botanical study. This article presents the methodology and the first results of our investigation in the southern part of the palm grove (Emirate of Fujairah) and more specifically: the mapping of the palm grove and the surrounding valley; the excavation of Iron Age hydraulic structures near the site of Masāfī-1; and the study of a test pit dug inside the palm grove. Thus, we will put forward first hypothesis on landscape use and evolution in the valley of Masāfī.


International audience

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December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023