Image-based Gender Estimation from Body and Face across Distances
- Others:
- Biometric Recognition Group (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid) (ATVS)
- Spatio-Temporal Activity Recognition Systems (STARS) ; Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée (CRISAM) ; Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)-Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)
- EURECOM ; Eurecom [Sophia Antipolis]-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- ANR-11-LABX-0031,UCN@SOPHIA,Réseau orienté utilisateur(2011)
Gender estimation has received increased attention due to its use in a number of pertinent security and commercial applications. Automated gender estimation algorithms are mainly based on extracting representative features from face images. In this work we study gender estimation based on information deduced jointly from face and body, extracted from single-shot images. The approach addresses challenging settings such as low-resolution-images, as well as settings when faces are occluded. Specifically the face-based features include local binary patterns (LBP) and scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features, projected into a PCA space. The features of the novel body-based algorithm proposed in this work include continuous shape information extracted from body silhouettes and texture information retained by HOG descriptors. Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are used for classification for body and face features. We conduct experiments on images extracted from video-sequences of the Multi-Biometric Tunnel database, emphasizing on three distance-settings: close, medium and far, ranging from full body exposure (far setting) to head and shoulders exposure (close setting). The experiments suggest that while face-based gender estimation performs best in the close-distance-setting, body-based gender estimation performs best when a large part of the body is visible. Finally we present two score-level-fusion schemes of face and body-based features, outperforming the two individual modalities in most cases.
International audience
Additional details
- urn:oai:HAL:hal-01384324v1
- Origin repository