Published September 25, 2016 | Version v1
Conference paper

Hexashrink: Multiresolution Compression of Large Structured Hexahedral Meshes with Discontinuities in Geosciences


We propose a new compression method devoted to large structuredhexahedral meshes having discontinuities. It is dedicated to applicationssuch as visualization or physical simulations whose managementby any workstation or mobile device with limited memoryand bandwidth is critical. Our method relies on a multiresolutionanalysis that generates a hierarchy of meshes at increasing resolutions.Our technique also uses a discontinuity tracking feature fortheir preservation, whatever the resolutions, and consequently maintainsa coherent geometry with respect to the original mesh. Experimentalresults emphasize the quality of our compression, in terms ofboth geometrical distortion and compression ratio.


International audience

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February 28, 2023
November 28, 2023