Published January 10, 2020 | Version v1

Neuro-inspired system for real-time vision sensor tilt correction


Neuromorphic engineering tries to mimic biological information processing. Address-Event-Representation (AER) is an asynchronous protocol for transferring the information of spiking neuro-inspired systems. Currently AER systems are able sense visual and auditory stimulus, to process information, to learn, to control robots, etc. In this paper we present an AER based layer able to correct in real time the tilt of an AER vision sensor, using a high speed algorithmic mapping layer. A codesign platform (the AER-Robot platform), with a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA and an 8051 USB microcontroller, has been used to implement the system. Testing it with the help of the USBAERmini2 board and the jAER software.


Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01417


Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-02


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-02

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December 4, 2022
November 30, 2023