Published 2009 | Version v1

ENDURE foresight study: a tool for exploring crop protection in Europe in 2030 and its implications for public policies


This publication is the synthesis of the foresight study "European Crop Protection in 2030". Launched in July 2007, this foresight exercise is one of the activities carried within ENDURE Network of Excellence. It was funded by the EC, under FP6 Priority 5. The study was conducted by a panel of ten crop protection experts from four different countries and from a range of scientific disciplines. During more than two years, this expert panel gathered regularly under the management of a project team and carried out an in-depth reflexion on the possible futures of crop protection in Europe at the horizon2030. The results of these collective discussions are presented here.


Présentation au Parlement Européen à Bruxelles

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December 3, 2022
November 28, 2023