Published November 14, 2017 | Version v1
Conference paper

Millimeter-Wave Imaging for FOD Detection


We present an efficient approach to reconstruct an image of a small object from the scattered fields measured at 90 GHz, taking advantages of spatial and polarization diversities, and processed with a robust real-time method. The target application is Foreign Object Debris (FODs) detection for airport runways. Most existing systems are monostatic but rapid advances in millimeter-wave technologies make it realistic to imagine the deployment of multistatic radars on either side of airport runways. In the following, we investigate the contribution of multistatic measurements, on the reconstruction of typical debris, courtesy of DGAC (French Civil Aviation). Qualitative image reconstructions of synthetic and measured data are performed using a multi-polarization backpropagation algorithm.


ISBN 978-981-13-7086-1 ISSN : 1876-1100


International audience

Additional details

February 22, 2023
November 30, 2023