3D Laser scanner versus new self-modelling photogrammetry solutions aplications in architecture and archeology
As a consequence of the latest years advances, both in hardw are and sof tw are, several applicatio ns in photogra mmetry have been released into the market. This is of a great interest in the architectural sector, ma inly f or docu mentat ion p urposes in the f ields of heritage as w ell as in restoration and rehab ilitatio n. With jus t a c onv entiona l PC, w e w ill be able to obt ain a s e mi-auto matic s olid mod el, v ia stereoscopic pairs, using the latest versions of these perf ormant applicatio ns. Thus w e can get a three dime nsional model of an object in very short time w ith very little investment. On the other hand, due to the progressive advances in the three dimensiona l laser-scanner technologies, the scanners are used more and more of ten in architectural and archaeological geo metric survey w orks. How ever, given the f act that both technologies (laser-scanner and the new versions of photogra mmetry sof tw are), are so new , it does not exist clear decision criteria w hen it comes to decide w hich is the best one to use in each case of study. In this pa per w e show a comparison b etw een tw o diff erent commercial solut ions that appeared recently in the market. Both of them are able to do the survey and representation of complex objects and irregular g eo metries, obt ain ing map ped three dime nsional mode ls, and carrying out a comprehensive study about the process, eff iciency and production costs in each case
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- https://idus.us.es/handle//11441/102820
- urn:oai:idus.us.es:11441/102820
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