Published March 2021 | Version v1
Journal article

Paleogene V‐Shaped Basins and Neogene Subsidence of the Northern Lesser Antilles Forearc


Worldwide, forearc trench-perpendicular basins are interpreted as the result of trench-parallel extension possibly due to either strain partitioning as at the Aleutians (Ryan & Scholl, 1989) and Ryukyu (Nakamura, 2004) Subduction Zones, and/or to increasing margin curvature as at the Marianas (Heeszel et al., 2008) and Hellenic trenches (Angelier, 1978; Mascle & Martin, 1990). In more extreme cases, widespread deformation of forearc domains results from the collision of buoyant crustal features (e.g., oceanic plateaus, seamount chains, or continental fragments) which is prone to generate bending and rotation of subduction zones (e.g., Vogt et al., 1976). Strongly curved convergent plate boundaries are subject to alongstrike variations in subduction obliquity and thus commonly associated with large-scale rigid body rotation


International audience

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December 4, 2022
November 30, 2023