Published October 3, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper

Seismic exploration of the deep structure and seismogenic faults in the Ligurian Sea by joint MCS and OBS acquisition: preliminary results of the SEFASILS cruise


The north Ligurian margin is a complex geological area on many accounts. It has witnessed several phases of highly contrasting deformation styles, at crustal scale and through shallow cover tectonics, simultaneously or in quick succession, and with significant spatial variability. This complex interplay is mirrored in intricate structures that make it hard to identify active faults responsible for both, the significant seismicity observed and the tectonic inversion undergone by the margin, identified on morphostructural grounds. We present here the first preliminary results of the leg 1 of SEFASILS cruise, conducted in 2018 offshore Monaco, in an effort to answer these questions by means of modern deep seismic acquisitions, using multichannel reflection and wide-angle sea-bottom records. Some first interpretations are provided and point towards an active basement deformation that focuses at the limits between main crustal domains.


International audience

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December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023