Published 2022 | Version v1

Energia e patrimonio culturale. Ricerca, formazione di terzo livello e terza missione


The text briefly traces the aims and methodologies adopted international and national research programmes and reflected in a post-Master University pro-gramme on the theme of sustainability and improvement of architectural heritage. These researches have trained specialists in the field of conservation and restora-tion with particular attention to the improvement of energy efficiency and to the inclusion of devices powered by renewable energy sources, while preserving archi-tectural and material conservation. It is quite a "pioneering" experience, compared to its frame of reference, based on the mutual consideration of different speciali-sms and on an interdisciplinary concept of the work (by sharing objectives and languages by experts in scientific sciences and human sciences implement their own methodologies to achieve a common purpose). Further increased with re-search opportunities at national and international level, these experiences have led to an awareness of the key players in the process of conservation and to some va-luable experiences, currently underway

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February 22, 2023
November 29, 2023