Published 2012 | Version v1

Microfluidic polymeric device for improved planar patch-clamp


Ion channels are under-exploited membrane protein target class, due to the labour-intensive and low-throughput nature of traditional patch-clamp. Basic and clinical research require much efficiency, higher throughput and procedures simplification. Automatic devices, like the planar array patch-clamp (PAPC) may address these problems. Our intention is to establish a PAPC based system: Planar-Patch-Clamp-Chip (PPCC) designed, developed and engineered to be accurate, easy to use and innovative to introduce the Patch-Clamp as a routine clinical test. SEM-FIB systems are used to determine the characteristics of the cell-planar pore interface. We are validating the prototype polymeric chips and developing a microfluidic array system.

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April 14, 2023
November 27, 2023