Published May 2009 | Version v1
Journal article

Metamorphic and structural evolution of the Maures-Tanneron massif (SE Variscan chain): evidence of doming along a transpressional margin


The Variscan metamorphic and structural evolution of the Maures-Tanneron massif is divided in two main post-collisional phases: (1) a MP-MT regional gradient is developed during nappe-piling process between 350 and 320 Ma, followed by (2) LP-HT regional gradient coeval with doming between 320 and 300 Ma. During this late phase, the tectonic context was dominated by E-W shortening, which produced crustal-scale upright folds and major strike-slip displacement along trans-crustal faults. Symmetric extensional fabrics are observed on the limbs of crustal-scale anticlines, and are ascribed to local accommodation of lower crust exhumation. Heat and magma transfer are allowed by these large vertical strike-slip faults, and are thought to be the cause of the late metamorphic evolution. Therefore, structures and metamorphism argue for a transpressional context at the SE branch of the Variscan chain. Comparisons with current collisional settings such as syntaxial domains of the Himalayan belt show that the timing and PT conditions of metamorphic events are similar. These observations lead us to propose that the situation of the Variscan chain during the period 320-300 Ma was still a syn-convergent setting similar to the current situation of the Himalayan-Tibet system, and that extensional movements are not the cause of, but the result of exhumation of the lower crust in this ongoing shortening context along a transpressional wrench boundary.


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December 4, 2022
November 27, 2023