Published 2016 | Version v1

Smart transportation systems (STSs) in critical conditions


In the context of smart transportation systems (STSs) in smart cities, the use of applications that can help in case of critical conditions is a key point. Examples of critical conditions may be natural-disaster events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and manmade ones such as terrorist attacks and toxic waste spills. Disaster events are often combined with the destruction of the local telecommunication infrastructure, if any, and this implies real problems to the rescue operations.The quick deployment of a telecommunication infrastructure is essential for emergency and safety operations as well as the rapid network reconfigurability, the availability of open source software, the efficient interoperability, and the scalability of the technological solutions. The topic is very hot and many research groups are focusing on these issues. Consequently, the deployment of a smart network is fundamental. It is needed to support both applications that can tolerate delays and applications requiring dedicated resources for real-time services such as traffic alert messages, and public safety messages. The guarantee of quality of service (QoS) for such applications is a key requirement.In this chapter we will analyze the principal issues of the networking aspects and will propose a solution mainly based on software defined networking (SDN). We will evaluate the benefit of such paradigm in the mentioned context focusing on the incremental deployment of such solution in the existing metropolitan networks and we will design a "QoS App" able to manage the quality of service on top of the SDN controller.

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April 14, 2023
November 29, 2023